KDZ Express vervoert pakketten, documenten en pallets. Dat doen we wereldwijd.
Interested in the shipping options of KDZ Express and our prices? Feel free to contact us. We take the time for you – or less time if the shipment requires it. You can reach us quickly via:
Sales: ams.sales@kdz.com
Customer service: ams.cs@kdz.com
Phone: +31 (0)85 – 487 50 00
Our head office is at Schiphol:
Head office
KDZ Express B.V.
Prestwickweg 16
1118 LB Schiphol Airport
The Netherlands
"*" indicates required fields
Want to know how much your shipment will cost? KDZ Express has an answer ready fast. Fill in our form and we repond within the first hour.
Let's calculate your priceKDZ Express B.V.
Prestwickweg 16
+31 (0)85 - 487 50 001118LB Schiphol Airport
ams.sales@kdz.comThe Netherlands